孩之宝(Hasbro)是Henry Hassenfeld和Helal Hassenfeld兄弟于1923年在罗得岛首府普洛威斯顿的一间小办公室创立的。公司最初叫Hassenfeld Brothers,最初销售纺织品边角料,但很快就转去生产铅笔盒和教学耗材。通常孩之宝(Hasbro)在选择供应商的时候有自己的标准,这些供应商只有通过Hasbro验厂审核标准,才能生产孩之宝产品。
1. Business License(营业热照)
2. Factory floor plan(工厂平面图)
3. Factory rules and regulations(工厂厂规厂纪)
4. Employee handbook(员工手册)
5. Individual Labor Contract is required; Group labor
contract is allowed as long as government’s written
document provided and has clear
traceability. (需要提供个人劳动合同,清晰并且通过政府认可的集体合同可以接受)
6. Personnel file ID copy(身份证复印件)
Application with joining date(人事档案资料-包括入厂日期)
Leave application(请假单)
Resignation letter / record(离职信/记录)
Rewards and punishment record(奖惩记录)
8. Local official minimum wage document(当地政府关于最低工资的文件)
9. Payroll records and production records for past 12
months:(最近一年的工资 /生产记录 )
10. Insurance – Official Statement issued by Local
Government and Insurance Receipt(保险
11. Trade union representative election procedure, work
union responsibilities and work union meeting minutes
12. Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate (厨房/餐厅卫生许可证)
13 .Kitchen / canteen worker’s health certificate
14 .Discharge permit (for sewage, waste water, air
emission, open burning etc.) (废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证)
15 .Factory safety records - 工厂安全管理记录工厂安全管理记录;
Building structure safety license (厂房建筑结构安全合格证) ;
Building fire safety floor plan, fire evacuation floor
EHS task force / Safety committee organization and/or
procedure(环境健康安全组织 /安全生产委员会架构图及/或工作程序或工作程 序);
16 .Training record (工厂培训记录)Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training(消防培训、演习记录)