


1. Business License and tax registration (营业执照)              

2. Factory floor plan (工厂平面图)                    

3. Factory rules and regulations / Employee handbook (工厂厂规厂纪/ 员工手册)

4. Labor Contracts for workers (员工的劳动合同)                  

5. Employee name list and personnel file for workers (员工花名册和员工的人事档案)

6. Health examination report for juvenile workers. (未成年工体检报告)

7. Registration Records for Juvenile workers(未成年工登记记录)

8. Local official minimum wage document (当地政府关于最低工资的文件)

9. Production records生产纪录                      

10. Payroll records of past 12 months (过去12个月的工资记录)    

11. Time card / attendance record of past 12 months (过去12个月的工时卡/考勤记录)

12. Extension waiver or CWHS waiver (延长加班批文或综合工时批文)  

13. Piece rate worker piece rate record if applicable (计件工计件记录/如果有)

14. Social insurance, tax and other required receipts and / or waiver (社保发票和社保批文)

15. Emergency action procedures 紧急应变程序                      

16. Accident and injury log (事故记录/突发事件/工伤记录)          

17. Occupational health exam report (职业健康体检记录)            

18. Special appliance registration and inspection records (特殊设备许可证明/检验报告)

19. Operator’s license for special operation (特殊工种人员操作证)

20. Hazardous waste disposal records (危废接收单位资质证明及危废转移联单)

21. A list of all the Chemicals and solvents used on the site (化学品清单及其物质安全资料表)

22. Training records 培训纪录                      

23. Emergency evacuation and fire fighting training (消防培训、演习记录)

24. Health and safety training (健康安全操作培训记录)            

25. Kitchen / canteen hygiene certificate (厨房/餐厅卫生许可证)  

26. EIA or registration form and reply (建设项目环境影响评估表/报告及批复)

27. Completion and acceptance of environmental protection facilities of construction projects (建设项目环境保护设施竣工验收)

28. Discharge permit(废气/废物/废水等的排污许可证明)              

29. Evacuation plan 逃生疏散图                      

30. Machinery inspection/service logs 机器维修检验纪录            

31. Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA) 集体谈判协约          

32. Applicable laws and regulations 适用的法令法规清单            

33. Minutes of joint committees on OHS e.g. disciplinary matters 职业健康安全委员会纪录,例如: 惩罚事件

34. Previous ethical trade audit reports/corrective action logs 前次道德审核报告/纠正行动纪录

35. Any appropriate certification e.g. OHSAS, ISO 9001, Chain of Custody etc. 系统认证证书

36. 最低工资                      

37. 急救员证                      

38. 管理代表公告                      

39. 员工代表选举, 劳资双向会议  

